Roman Economy:
Daily Life:
The bread consumption in ancient Rome was quite high. A average male roman ate about 2 pound bread a day.
The ultimate unit of measurement for wheat was the Modius (plural: modii).
One modius equals 20.7 libra (1 libra (roman pound) = 322.5 g) equals 6.67 kg.
For the average monthly bread consumption for one person about 4 modii (26.68 kg = 58.8 pound) were neccesary.
One modius was used to produce 16 - 20 one pound loaves.
Virtually no price information for meat, fruits and vegetables is handed down.
1 Denari = 4 Sestertii = 16 As
Monthly Income and Prices for 1 modius Wheat in the 1st century AD:
Job |
Denari / month
Secretary |
Lecturer |
Messenger |
Haruspex (fortune teller) |
Legionary Soldier (Private) |
Praetorian (guard in Rome) |
Legionary Soldier (Centurion) |
6th century AD |
laborer/semi-skilled worker |
9 folles/day
10-20 solidi / year
Location |
Price / As
Rome |
up to 32
provincial Italy |
Africa |
9 - 16
Asia minor |
8 - 16
Palestine |
10 - 12
Egypt (bread basket) |
7 - 9
Other Prices:
1st century AD |
1 modius wheat |
see above and right
1 loaf bread |
1 dupondius
(=2 As ; in Rome)
1 sextarius wine
(~0.5 liter) |
1 - 5 as
1 sextarius fine wine |
up to 30 as
a bath at a public bath |
1/4 as
1 tunika (clothing) |
15 sestertii
1 donkey |
500 sestertii
1 slave |
2000 sestertii = 500 denarii (up to 1500)
1 female slave |
2000 - 6000 denarii
1 morgan land |
1000 sestertii = 250 denarii
Average price in As for
1 Modius wheat:
(values of Rome and Italy
derived from Egypt)
18BC-14AD |
14 - 98 |
98 - 192 |
193 - 260 |
Pompeii 79 AD |
1 modii wheat |
7 sestertii = 28 as
1 modii rye |
3 sestertii = 12 as
1 litra (1/3 kg) oil |
1 sestertii = 4 as
1 pound bread |
1 as
1/2 liter tablewine |
1 as
1/2 liter fine wine |
2 - 4 as
1 pot |
1 as
1 dish |
1 as
1 oillamp |
1 as
1 bucket |
2 sestertii = 8 as
1 tunika (clothes) |
15 sestertii = 3 den. 3 ses.
1 donkey |
500 sestertii = 125 den.
1 slave |
2500 sestertii = 625 den.
1 fine for a criminal action |
25 sestertii = 6 den. 1 ses.
mid 3rd cent. |
Price / Antoninianii
1 fishing net |
1 fish trap |
1 small fishing boat |
1 cooking pot |
1 oil lamp |
1 loaf of bread (1 pound) |
1 (province)
1 sextarius wine |
1 soldiers winter-cape |
camel-leather boots |
light leather shoes |
1 sword |
1 donkey |
1 horse |
1 healthy & strong slave |
~ 6th cent. |
1 unskilled slave |
20 solidi
vegetables per day |
5 folles (10 solidii / year)
1 lb. fish |
6 folles
1 loaf of bread |
3 folles (= half a day's labor wages)
1 wool blanket |
1/25 solidus
1 second-hand cloak |
1 solidus
1 donkey |
3-4 solidii
1 copy of the New Testament |
3 solidii
501: famine in Edessa |
wheat |
rose from 30 to 4 bushels / solidus
barley |
rose from 50 to 6 bushels / solidus
40 bronze nummi = 1 copper follis
180 folles (7,200 nummi) = 1 solidus
72 solidi = half lb. of gold
Time |
Soldier Income / Day |
Price f. 1 Mod. Wheat
see note 3 |
211 - 210 BC see note 1
20 - 24 as |
203 BC |
4 as |
200 - 150 BC |
3 as |
4 as |
141 BC see note 2
5 as |
6 as |
123 BC |
6.33 as |
100 BC |
8 as |
73 BC |
5 as |
12 as |
46 BC |
10 as (unskilled labourer 12 As) |
12 as |
0 |
10 as |
16 as = 1 den. |
60 AD |
16 as |
32 as = 2 den. |
170 AD |
13 as |
40 as = 2 den. 8 as |
218 AD |
16 as = 1 denar |
68 as = 4 den. 4 as |
305 AD |
2 - 10 nummi see note 4
Note 1: Time of the devastation of Latinum by Hanibal.
Note 2: Retarification of the Denar: before 141 BC: 1 Denar = 10 As ; after 141 BC: 1 Denar = 16 As
Note 3: Average price in Rome (for provincial Rome half price ; for Egypt 1/4 price)
Note 4: After struggling with the economy and a money reform in 214 AD the nummi was introduced in 294.
It had the same buying power like the denari in early times. 2 nummi in ; 10 nummi in Rome.
Consumption of a family of 4 per year in Rome:
* in the Roman Republic (175 - 150 BC):
A family of 4 persons needed the following goods per year, where 40% were consumpted by the adult male in the family.
120 modii wheat (= 800 kg) |
480 as |
120 sextarii of oil (= 65 liter) |
80 as |
720 sextarii of wine (= 400 liter) |
120 as |
680 as = 68 denari (see note 2) |
Soldier Income: ~100 denari / year |
* in the Roman Empire (75 - 125 AD):
Rome : 200 denari for wheat, oil, wine (2 - 2.5 as per day) |
Provincial regions: 100 denari |
Republic: 137 BC: 1 denarius paid a soldier for 3 days. Enough to buy wheat for one month.
1 As ~ 1 loaf of bread
more to come...
This information is compiled out of 3 books. Some info differs from book to book.
last updated: 16/AUG/2002